With an excellent weather forecast this was another meet arranged at relatively short notice, an opportunity for some of our newer and more inexperienced members to meet at the wide open, but easily accessible space that is Heath Common near Wakefield. The forecast proved to be correct and it was a glorious spring day for a meet. We met at the agreed time and enjoyed a couple of hours just flying our drones at the common where some new members could be shown the workings of their drones and get some flying guidance under the supervision of one of our experienced members.
We then made the short journey to the Barnsley Main Pit Head, a site that provides an ideal subject for aerial photography. The pit head and surrounding site is maintained by an active group of volunteers, the Barnsley Main Heritage Group, who do excellent work maintaining the site, please check out there Facebook page and give them a like! See https://www.facebook.com/barnsleymainheritagegroup